Pardon my language, but holy fuck.

Easily the best episode yet, and for the sole reason of being an emotional wallop mixed in with some truly stellar visuals and ideas. Doctor Strange has always been one of my favourite characters in the MCU for the sole reason of that he is magnificently flawed - he is arrogant, unable to accept failure, and ridiculously human in his emotions. This episode puts that at the forefront by showcasing a Strange who goes to the dark side in his unwillingness to accept the death of Christine (whose relationship with Strange is done better here then in his own movie oddly enough) and the consequences that lend from that.

It's this emotional center that puts it a league above the other episodes with only maybe the T'Challa episode reaching those heights, and if anything proves that Multiverse of Madness, which is getting closer and closer, is a film to be extremely excited for.

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