Review by

Still Alice 2014

It's always a little bit weird to be grading movies like this because part of the grade probably should be related to the enjoyment of watching the film. However, because of the gravity of the subject matter on some level it seems wrong to grade it in terms of the entertainment value. Does the film do a great job of showing the progression of Alzheimer's on both the victim and the family? You bet. I've been through all of this in the last few years and everything that happened was extremely familiar. Julianne Moore is as good as you would expect her to be in this role. But in terms of entertainment... nothing great here. You know how the movie is going to end and the journey - while triumphant at times - is a sad one. It's a tough watch on a friday night, not just because of the subject matter but also because there really isn't that much going on in the movie. While the film keeps things moving it really isn't a great watch.

While Moore was excellent I think that Kristen Steward and Alec Baldwin had very difficult roles in that they had to be very much in the background. Stewart pulled that off well, Baldwin not so much.

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