It’s funny how people think of these movies as ‘realistic’.
Do people actually think an American intelligence agency is capable of pulling live footage out of a camera in a train station in London? Within like 5 minutes? Not to forget that this takes place in a pre smartphone era.
I know that paranoia and anxiety were a big part of culture post 9/11, and these movies play into that, but they’re far from being realistic.
I’d say they’re grounded, and it’s got a director at the helm who’s really good at selling the heightened stuff.

Having said that, this is one of the most thrilling and tense films I’ve seen.
Paul Greengrass is a master of building tension through visceral camerawork.
Sure, there’s a lot of handheld and shaky cam, but that style actually works in this film’s favour, because Greengrass knows how to use it without loosing a sense of clarity.
The story is again very solid, it’s got a surprising amount of memorable dialogue, the acting is solid, interesting characters, John Powell’s score is iconic, and there just isn’t a single dull moment.
High octane action filmmaking at its finest.


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