Note: the home version is incredibly different to the theatrical release. Because of this intentional deception by the studio, to split audiences and confuse us, this is the first movie I'm rating a 1 on this website. I wish I could rate it 0.

Not as "dumb but fun" as the original. The weird tertiary subplot with the family dynamic is really ham-fisted and unnecessary. Some of the logic here is far too preposterous and contrived, even for a wacky horror/sci-fi movie like this. For example, at the end where the dad is locked in the daughter's room, why doesn't he just use the code that he himself implemented to escape... did I miss a part where the daughter was faking her imprisonment the whole time or something? And if the friend survived the quicksand, what about the priest guy who fell through the sand too?

The movie often doesn't trust the audience, flashing back to scenes that literally happened 5 minutes ago, as if we're too dumb to remember and even then these revelations don't pay off, like what's the point in the character who can't feel pain, she doesn't do anything with this "superpower" to help anyone and just dies randomly. The story here is not well thought out or plotted at all. These "contestants" die for little to no reason and we don't even get to see their fears realised, which was a big part of their character backstory and dialogue during their introduction.

The whole plane simulation in the first act never came to fruition and should have been cut... what, was it meant to "subvert expectations" because they took a car and a train instead or some bullshit? Then show us that they avoided the plane crashing, 'Final Destination' style or don't bother including it at all. (Edit: I just found out the theatrical version is completely different to the version I watched at home, which includes a different ending where they're trapped in this plane sim, Amanda from the original movie is involved with the Minos corporation thing, and there's a subplot with Zoey's therapist that foreshadows the events of this movie... why was all of this cut for the home release? I've never been gaslighted so bad, I'm so fucking mad lmao).

This movie is filled with Chekhov's gun moments and doesn't follow up on ANY of them. Not to mention half of the puzzles are solved in the characters' heads without including the audience (they just yell the answers to each other). It is incredibly frustrating and unsatisfying. Then the movie suddenly wraps up and ends with an allusion to a sequel. Please don't.

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