Kid traveling from the future to meet her parents before she's born is such a classic fanfic trope. I'm into it. The scenes with Chloe, Lucifer and Rory were a lot of fun. Rory is definitely her father's daughter. But my favorite part of the episode was Rory running into Maze, Eve and Amenadiel. That was pure comedic gold. I loved the trio's increasingly panicked speculation about the future and the reveal that Rory was messing with them all along. Time travel being Rory's angel power is a plausible enough explanation for her presence.

Chloe and Lucifer smashing the shit out of each other (and not in the way you think) was definitely... interesting. Did not see that coming, even though I noticed Chloe's growing obsession with her super strength. Chloe's breakdown afterwards was beautifully acted by Lauren.

Chloe and Dan's conversation brought a tear or two to my eyes. Absolutely lovely.

Ella knows! Or at least suspects. Fucking hell, this took forever. It's so cool that she's figuring it out all on her own like the smart cookie that she is. Should've happened a couple seasons ago though.

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@aniela-krajewska so Dan and Chloe still love each other? I don't get it

@aniela-krajewska Hard agree, I was so annoyed the first time I watched it, because they didn't reveal it to Ella much earlier
