I love this show with all my heart, it's one of my comfort shows. That being said, the ONE thing i did not want to see in the finale season was a Deckerstar baby. I wish they had gone the route of the apocalypse and trying to stop that from happening instead of what they did. It's hard to care about a character that feels forced and out of place (like Lucifer literally can't procreate and hates kids lmfao). While the very end was good, and all the supporting characters got great endings, the child put a big damper on it for me. And they completely forgot about poor Trixie. There's no way she wouldn't have been there for her mom's death. Why did she never learn the truth about Lucifer? Was she just supposed to go along with suddenly having a new sister that has no father? She lost her dad and then Lucifer back to back. They did her so wrong imo.

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@mmorgnn Absolutely agree about Trixie! I feel like after the show moved to Netflix they started sidelining her more and more, and this season it was especially noticeable. I guess she found out the truth at some point when she was older? I don't think Chloe and Rory would've kept all of it a secret from her. But I still think we should've seen it. I also hate that she didn't even interact with Lucifer this season and then he was gone forever. The only reason I can think of as to why she wasn't by Chloe's side is that she either had already died (if Chloe lived to some absurdly old age then it wouldn't be impossible) or she lived far away and was on her way and didn't make it in time. What a weird choice not to have her there though. Would it really have been so hard to find an older actress to play her in that scene?
