Shout by sp1ti

Tokyo Ghoul 2014

So... the show got it's second season. Was it worth it? Totally not. It turned to utter trash (from an already messy adaptation).
S2 further diverts from the actual story it adapts (not that I've read it nor do I want to) but it's all with the supposed consent and input of the author - which is cool.. if it made any sense. They throw in so many characters we're supposed to give a shit only to involve them in things we know jack about. The show does in no way stand on it's own feet. Heck, the MC by this point is even harder to grasp. How great is it to have edgy fights with boring choreography and constant spasm of god awful animation! I'm floored how some people seriously liked the season. The only slightly redeeming thing was the anticlimactic last episode but it's by no means good.
Downgraded my overall rating from a "5" to a "4" (S2 is a 2/10).

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