Said it before, but it bears repeating: weaponizing old Fringe events is cool as hell. Although, I could've done without seeing the gross-as-shit squids again... (Seriously, that was hands down the worst episode of the series.) Leave it to Fringe to make use of their last opportunity to be weird.

I think I enjoyed S5 a little more this time than I did on my first viewing, but I still think it's the worst season. It ruined Observers, which is my favorite aspect of Fringe. A shame.

Overall, I like this show. But I wish it had less filler episodes, and also did not repeatedly have gross stuff. A lot of things felt like they wanted to get disgusting for the sake of being disgusting, which is not my jam. When the show focuses on the main plot, though, it really excels. It has a good plot... but there's so much that gets in the way of it.

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