Shout by Torben Herold

Foundation 2021

Should have been labeled 'loosely based on the books by Isaac Asimov'.... Absolutely butchered the books... Disgrace... Woke nonsense

On a positive note, it is beautifully made and the actors do an excellent job.

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@eon4dk If it were at least interesting...

@eon4dk was the book better

@fearless951 well, that depends on ones tastes ... in my opinion, yes the books were better, much better.
They made some cast changes compared tot he books, but that is small details, compared to the story changes they made

@eon4dk deciding to watch, what makes it woke?

@dylankuipers - it being woke doesn't necessarily make it bad :blush:
But the woke thing is that 2 of the main characters are now black females... both white male in my mind as I read the books - I must admit though that skincolor was never mentioned in the books as I recollect.

@eon4dk but you label it as woke nonsense so I figured you thought it made it bad. Thanks for clarifying. I'll give it a try :)

@eon4dk Oh wow, two female characters in a otherwise set up full of men, such a woke nonsense!!!
If changing the gender of TWO characters without changing the general plot upsets you so much, then you are for a shock when you discover that half of the population is female. Asimov himself admited almost all his characters were men bc he lacked experience with women, so idk why are you so upset about.
And you admited that skincolor was never mentioned in the books, so I don't think it's hard to understand there's more skincolor than white.

But yeah, go say it's a disgrace and a woke nonsense if that makes your fragile sensibilities feel better.

@aylam done? It's just boring so far. No matter how super duper beautiful the cgi is, I don't care about cgi.

@eon4dk butchered for sure. poor Daneel and worse yet, Dors. this is awful.

@nescobar-a-lop-lop well, maybe it's boring to you. It's a fucking long saga and it's gonna be several seasons, telling a story over the span of 1.000 years so of course the first eps are gonna be full of world building to give context. Not everything has to be fast paced and full of action scenes like a blockbuster.

I just don't understand people who leave comments about how they dislike something. If I don't like something or find it boring, I just ignore the thing, it's that easy. If I don't care about something I don't go out of my way to let everyone know how I don't like it. I just move on to the next thing I could like and let people enjoy what they like. Maybe it's not for me, maybe it's for them, and that's ok, I don't try to ruin it for them.

@aylam - Like you 'didn't' let everyone know you dislike the bad comments? Why didn't you just ignore the bad comments ... as you said, it's that easy!
And FYI I actually think it is too 'action'-packed, as the books are way slower, but I know that wouoldn't work for TV/movies.

@aylam If it makes me fragile, that I want shows and movies to be true to the source material, then yes I am fragile. But apparently I am not the only one being fragile, as you got quite defensive about my statements.
The original story was good, because it was good ... change too much and it will stop being good, as we have seen with a whole lot of other source material being butchered for woke points.
If you want a good space opera/drama with black women in the lead, write one! I don't support appropriation of others work for woke points.

"Woke" hits the nail on the head here unfortunately. Two lead characters, black females who are "special" and make everyone else around look like idiots, then the leader of an outer planet who is also a clever young woman pushing this point further by saying something like "your women are much sharper than your men", yet all three make relatively uncharismatic characters that make me not want to watch the next episode. If it weren't for Jared Harris and Lee Pace I probably wouldn't have.

@eon4dk I don't know anyone that is familiar with and a fan of the source material that isn't disappointed.

@keldian So fragile! You wouldn't last a day as a Black woman if this is what sets you off.

@shhhh Who's fragile, me or you? I got annoyed, because a classic got butchered by woke politics, you got annoyed because of 2 lines of text ... I do believe, you are the fragile one ;)

@eon4dk You seem to have missed that I was responding to another user. But I'm not annoyed, love. I pity you all, genuinely. You're content to let bigotry and racism cloud your mind. It's a mark of low intelligence. The world doesn't care for your feelings towards "woke politics", progress is inevitable. Whether you're on board or not, things are changing, and it'll be a difficult and hateful life, living with your attitude. Hope you overcome it one day.


First of all, I'm most definitely not "on board" ... what I am is bored of woke politics infesting every popular franchise out there.
Second, I apologize, I didn't notice the other users tag, I am sorry.
Thirdly, if wokeness is progress, I want no part in it, as I see it as a HUGE step backwards.
Fourthly, as to being anti-woke = racist and bigoted, I strongly disaggree, but hey, thats the great thing about living in a civilized society ... wait no ... not anymore, as woke politics does not let you have a different opinion ... that needs to be silenced. Cencorship and race division does not belong in a civilized society ... stop being so focused on who is what race and gender and let people be people.

Anyways ... I believe that was a huge sidetrack and for that I am sorry. I stand by my original opinion and would have preferred a version true to the original, even though this version is beautiful and the actors do a great job.

I wish you a long and happy life @shhhh :)

@eon4dk It's an adaptation and it looks like the writers have come up with some good tools tell Asimov's underlying story in a much more abbreviated fashion. I definitely wouldn't call it butchered just different and different enough so that I wouldn't compare the series to the books. They both stand out for their own reasons and they're both excellent.

@eon4dk I find it so weak... I read all books at least 3 times and this is not about the Foundation. How could the son of Asimov agree with this?

@eon4dk I have never read the books, I found the show very interesting and the characters well acted.. I suggest you stick to books !

two leads are black because they are related. they are mother and daughter.
