This episode had some very beautiful moments. First the flashback to Michael's mother cooking. The atmosphere, the composition, the aspect ratio change - it was very warm. I could really tell that it was his good memory, with the sharp contrast of his father that inhibited him so much and caused him to grow up as a stone cold man. I love that the scene of him cooking replicated his mother's so well. Truly touching.
And Eric's story with his mother, I love to see good parenting in action. I loved that the show didn't try to say "no" to Eric and his identity but instead acknowledged his mother's weakness and therefore Eric's strength as a gay man. This show is really, uniquely, good and this episode had some very hard hitting feel good scenes.
Meanwhile, the main story with Maeve and Otis is really getting gummed up. No one is clear with what they want and so everyone is just a toss up - I understand that they are all kids but damn...they really tossed Ruby aside.

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