Review by Corey

I’m sorry, but as much as I love Loki, the character, and Hiddleston, I’m not fully entranced by the series. There’s a lot to like… but, in my opinion, there are major plot holes that keep me from being invested.

It’s okay for a story to be complicated, but this is next-level. Maybe I’m missing something, but… a question…

… if there is this ONE sacred timeline, how are there multiple Loki variants on it? Wouldn’t variants be across multiple timelines, each on their own? Just like “He Who Remains”… this version — the one Sylvie kills — exists on his timeline. In this same timeline, the one we’ve been watching for six episodes, there are several versions of Loki. That doesn’t make sense to me.

OR does the one sacred timeline consist of multiple universes? And each variant from those universes go to the one TVA? But, based on the ending of this episode, there are multiple TVAs, where it seems their timeline’s variants would go. So, again, why do we have a gazillion Lokis on ours. “He Who Remains” is separated from his variants who probably each exist on their own timeline. It’s just inconsistent and contradictory.

To sum it all up in a simpler question: Shouldn’t Loki only be meeting/seeing his other variants when the multiverse is unleashed?

My head hurts. And it shouldn’t. And that scene with “He Who Remains” went on WAY too long.

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It's more the latter. According to what they say in the series there are alternate time lines that exist within the "sacred" one. Remember Loki asked what about the avengers going through time? And they said how that was "expected", so it sounds like there are smaller timeliness within a threshold that is ok.


Thank-you my thoughts exactly
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
My head hurts to after all that information dump jumble.
