What a ride. Coming Home in the Dark is a gripping survival horror from New Zealand that forces to confront uncomfortable truths. A school teacher taking a holiday with his family. Soon their holiday is disrupted by two random men who might know his troubled past. This film is bleak, mesmerising, dreadful, and sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. It's like watching home invasion films except it's a road trip. Packed with so much tension and very good at sustaining it, it makes you feel unsafe the entire runtime. It features outstanding performance from Miriama McDowell and Daniel Gillies. The way this film avoids any kind of cliche twist makes it even more realistic. Visually speaking, it's stunning. It really nails on the oppressive atmosphere and makes effective use of the gorgeous scenery. The opening scene is shockingly brutal and immediately grabbed my attention. After that, it starts to drag a little and the ending leaves this unsatisfactory feeling but for the most part it's an engaging journey from start to finish.

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