Shout by Caesar

Dracula 1958

Jonathan Harker journeys to Castle Dracula, where he is turned into one of the undead by the famous vampire. Doctor Van Helsing arrives and drives a stake through Harker's heart, but must then pursue Dracula to London, where the Count intends to make Harker's fiancée Lucy Holmwood his bride. Honestly this is not my favorite Dracula adaptation but it still manages to be an entertaining gothic horror film. Story wise it's much simpler but the way it's presented is very dramatic and campy in all of the right ways. The production is top notch, the color radiates in vivid detail, the graphic and bloody special effects pack a punch. Quite interesting how in this film Dracula is actually offscreen for long portions. I'm not complaining though, Peter Cushing really steals the show as Van Helsing. That's easily the best potrayal of Van Helsing I've ever seen. Christopher Lee, while not having much screentime and dialogue, leaves a strong impression.

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