Immersive and oppressive in equal measure, The Lighthouse is an experience that can't be missed. The atmosphere is suffocating, and every element contributes to that. The black and white visuals are stunning, with examples too many to name like the light off the ocean or the uncanny silhouettes of the leads at night. It lends the film a sense of surreality, hyperreality, or both, depending on the scene. There are so many breathtaking, instantly iconic moments in this film, and all bolstered by Dafoe's and Pattison's masterclasses in acting. The way Dafoe can shift from something ethereal, skeletal, and demonic to a pitiable sad old man to a hammy parody and back- or simultaneously!- is something to behold. And Pattison is his equal, slowly revealing more and more of his raw, hair trigger core.

And that's just the half of it. The homoeroticism. The black comedy. The droning of the lighthouse then incorporated and evoked into the score.The amount left to viewer interpretation, thus allowing the film to be so many things at once. These all make up a film that just envelopes you in it, and one that begs you to repeat it over and over again.

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