Review by Ward

The case wasn't that good, it's the stuff around the case that was more interesting! Should have been a 2 parter or something. The stuff with Adam taking the governor to court was interesting, and seeing more of his life. Loved seeing Jack join him, and Jamie prosecute that other case and how she saw that other prosecutor made that fatal mistake.

It was kind of concerning when during the episode i began to realize this might be Adam's last episode? I hope not. He's always been a good character, and it was nice to see him stand up for the justice system.

Here's something i wrote a while ago:

"I have always thought Adam Shiff has been great in his role as the boss of the prosecution service, and nearly always gives good advice, but that he favors trying to appease the media a bit too much sometimes. And i get that it's a hard job and you do need to appease the media somewhat but i think he does it a bit too much at the expense of trying to serve more justice. Though maybe i underestimate how much a budget can have an effect on how you run things, and also how many people are in the system waiting to be tried"

But here in this episode he did really stand up for the justice system.

Also while i'm here before i forget again, is about how this show has excellent background sounds of what's going on that help immerse you in the episode.

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