Review by Caesar

The Medium 2021

This is my most anticipated Shudder film and let's say I'm disappointed. It's a mockumentary folk horror from Thailand, about a documentary team following Nim, a shaman based in Northern Thai, and encounters her niece Mink who has strange symptoms that seem to be indicate inheritance of shamanism. The team decides to follow Mink, hoping to capture the shaman lineage passing on to the next generation, but her behavior becomes more extreme, bizarre and terrifying. This wasn’t as good as I was expecting. I feel like I just wasted my time. As a mockumentary, this film isn't convincing enough. It starts off very promising with so many interesting elements going on, the atmosphere and aesthetics are captivating. But it takes too goddamn long to get going and the second half completely ruin it. It suffers from the common found footage problems, predictable and impossible to mantain my interest at its peak. By the second half, it shifts its focus into something else, slowly transforms into Thai version of Paranormal Activity and [REC], and decides throw every found footage and exorcism clichés in here. The scares feel cheap with annoyingly loud sound. I admit the last moments are pretty scary but they repeat that creep factor over and over until it's tiring to watch. Could've been better if they stick with the animism and shamanism theme.

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