Shout by Tank0

Invasion 2021

This is feeling like The Walking Dead. Take an interesting plot and focus so much on drama that it becomes boring. I'm all for character development but I sure hope things start to happen in the show. This is no Falling Skies nor Colony but it sure isn't The Expanse either. Jury is still out

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@t_an_k_0 falling skies was pretty good.

@nescobar-a-lop-lop It started out OK but then it used ALL the tropes : hybrid child, superweapon, good alien allies, the yank solution ( blow one thing up magic overall victory ) Sorry but compared to Babylon 5 it was a kiddie story


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@t_an_k_0 but it was FUN! Never could get into bab 5 though, it wasn't bad by all means, just not interesting enough. BSG or even Farscape :)
