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Invasion 2021

The writers of this show are so ignorant of other cultures they just had a Japanese woman take off her shoes….in her living room.

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@turningbones ever consider she's just of Japanese heritage, grew up in America?

@nescobar-a-lop-lop I meant this to be a funny observation that anyone else that has lived in Japan would get. But as someone who is 1/4 Japanese and lived most of my adult life there, the answer to your question is no. That wouldn’t have mattered at all. Why would you think she grew up in America? Even foreigners (which she is not) are supposed to adhere to local customs there. There’s nothing in the show to suggest your hypothetical suggestion is the case nor would that even matter. No one wears their shoes into their home! They are in Japan and she works for the horribly portrayed JAXA (renamed JASA in the show). The writing is sloppy and they obviously didn’t research much of anything. The one thing they did get right is her lesbian relationship being taboo and kept secret. Japan is not as progressive as most western countries in that regard. Since it’s an American show though I shouldn’t expect much else to be culturally accurate.
