Review by Gloom8

Dune 2021

Denis Villeneuve is amazing director. Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival, Blade Runner - all around amazing works... Well, not really. Pretty much all of them had a weak plotpoint that should ruin overall impression of the film. But his style is somehow keeping them together. Everything works in them as it should at least while you're watching them.

Camera's work in Dune is impressive. Designs are captivating be it a structure or vehicle. Music elevated the scenes. Acting is decent. Plot is comprehensible I would say even straightforward. And the premise of creating a myth, basically Jesus, solely for political and economical gains is interesting and original enough.

But it's seems like either source material is actually incredibly weak or film cut too much of integral parts of the book. It isn't subtle or nuanced. It isn't grounded or philosophical. Middle ground that doesn't feel special. Character's given weakest and the most cliched motives to act upon: the Doctor and Duncan came to mind.

Characters moving from point A to point B because we know it should happen this way to build a character (desert storm and a way out) or move story along ( joining the natives).
At least some characters need the autonomy. Seems like all of them just going through the motions here.

It's ok film. But it also first Villeneuve's film that felt weak to me. First time where his style didn't glue the parts together, didn't distract me from questionable plotpoints.

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