Review by Instans

Hypnotic 2021

Hypnotic is a so-so movie, it starts with a mystery which I found being inspired from the story of Elisa Lam (Hotel Cecil), I was intrigued then but this mystery lasts very little because not even 5 minutes in we find it being caused by an evil hypnotisation, a very Sci-Fi theme which I think should be added in the tags, this hypnotisation idea could have transmuted to a very good horror but it very quickly loses its charm, the writing is very superficial and I think in better hands this idea could have made a much better film but oh well...
The movie is also full of plot twists which do not work at all, especially the last one where the girl wakes up in the detective's hands but we come to discover that it's actually Meade, a powerful scene but very ineffective. The actors also I know have potential but not in this movie, it all seems too superficial and a moneygrab from the directors which are the ones that also made The Open House (also a negatively critiqued movie), I hope their third time is the charm.
This movie is good to watch till the hypnotised girl enters the detective's house to kill him, it all goes downhill from there with the "plot".
I don't want to say the movie is completely bad, actually there is a scene which hit me, when Doctor Meade enters Jenn's house making her remain still, that scene made me a bit uneasy.

I want to tag another review which I agree with

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