Review by Shay

This show is starting to get so many negative reviews and they all seem to be from book purists, ie. people expecting the show to be exactly as the books were.

Realistically that is impossible. Any series or movie that has ever tried to follow a book exactly has failed. It is an impossible feat to replicate a written masterpiece exactly as it is and turn it into a cinematic masterpiece. The mediums are far too different and the method through which the audience experiences events is vastly different.

All I can say is that if you've read the books, be prepared for the series to be very different. If you're a fan of the books, there are liberties that have been taken with the series you are not going to like, but that does not make the series bad purely based on those differences. Try to approach the series from a new perspective.

Ok, moving on to specific thoughts on this episode, I'm starting to get confused again. Last episode it felt like things were starting to clear up. Details on Gaals backstory were helping stitch all of the time skips together into a more complete tapestry, but this episode was like an asteroid blowing it all apart again.

I'm still really intrigued by Gaal's plotline and where that's going to go. Didn't see the whole 'I can feel the future' thing coming but I guess they have to explain it somehow and with the rest of the history of this world as a backdrop, it doesn't seem as far-fetched as you might think.

I'm also getting a bit more invested into the Terminus story. I really like Salvor and I'm starting to like Phara. She's a little sharp but there's a lot of potential for character development if the screenplay is written well enough.

There's something about this show that has me feeling a bit off. It doesn't feel cohesive enough. It's almost like taking three separate shows that are mildly related, mixing the episodes up in a bag, and randomly playing them back to back. The plot isn't linear AND we have time jumps AND inconsistent narration which is making it confusing for me to understand what's going on and stay invested in the show enough to keep coming back week after week.

I will probably finish out the season and decide from there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all of these storylines will intersect soon and in a grand enough way to excuse all of this confusion at the beginning, but at this point it doesn't feel like that's going to happen.

Cinematically this is a great show, but I'm not sold on the plot just yet.

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@withadventure I actually think its a good thing with this adaptation.

Asimovs characters were awful and his view of society even more twisted than mine. I stopped reading at the Prelude to Foundation because I couldn't bare the disgusting course it was taking and proclaiming as the correct one.
