Why is everybody complaining? It’s an awesome show. If you want to see some aliens, watch the countless shows about alien invasions - there are many.
But this one…is different. And that’s good. It’s about the people, not about the aliens.

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@levim79 What a joy it was to read this!

People complaining because they want to see aliens, shootings, explosions, etc., and it bothers them to see a series that tells the human side, that tells the drama that would be from the less supposedly "heroic" side, even though they have countless series and movies to watch over and over again the same thing.

@levim79 I thought the same, I'm really enjoying this show.

Same, I love what they’ve done with this show.

@levim79 personally I like to get some back story on the characters, how else can you know who to root for?
