I am part of the misunderstood minority who was quite pleased with how the show ended, back in season 8. But getting some more Dexter Morgan is genuinely something I cannot say "no" to! I really missed him and his Dark Passenger.

I was expecting Debra to replace Harry and I wasn't disappointed. Looking forward to see how much of a moral compass and influence she'll be to Jim — sorry —, to Dexter.

Having our favourite inconspicuous serial killer living a peaceful, normal life in a small town is absolutely lovely, and it makes for a really good setting for when things will start to go sour (because we all know they will, we've watched Dexter before). Seeing Dexter wrapping a room in plastic, just like in the old days, gave me a comfy and warm nostalgic rush, as if everything is now in its right place. However, the setup to the killing and the killing itself felt all bit clumsy, and I don't mean it in the sense that Dexter is out of practice. Something about the scenes and the dialogue didn't feel quite right... Still, I guess it fits the tone of the show, given its current context.

Also, a quick shout-out to this episode's soundtrack, which was really enjoyable, taking into account both the tunes I recognised and the ones I didn't.

This was a solid season opener, Dexter's still got it, and I am bloody excited to devour this new season of the man giving in, once again, to its primal urges.

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@misnomer I agree with most of what you said, but he's not giving in to his primal urges, he's giving in to an urge that comes from childhood trauma, there is a big difference between the two.
