Shout by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Season 1

1x02 Charlie X

I don't like that episode. Plot isn't really awesome; very slow at times. That's a coming out of age story in space. Like in previous episode they added the usual sauce: a supernatural alien being disguised as a human and being able to manipulate minds (or even worse). I'm really afraid that this topic will repeated in this show ad nauseam.

  • Is that where the singer got her name from?
  • That beehive she's rocking is awesome. That's a ten out of ten on the official Winehouse scale.
  • Captain Kirk is the obvious choice to explain why a clap on the arse ain't a good idea. Could there be a spin-off to that scene: Kirk talking to Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton or Robin Thicke about appropriate behavior with regard to women?
  • The writers needed someone to sing a song and guess who they have chose Uhura, 'cause, well, she's black and every Afro-American in showbiz is a singer right? Ain't that racist AF?
  • The gym scene is good though: Men in Tights!
  • Why are people that tanned? The studio is in southern California alright but the Enterprise isn't.
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