Shout by J

The Batman 2022

Not even xompleted or released yet - Due in 2022 but already 100 votes giving it a r ating of 84% . Some RP fans , Batman obsessed fans, DC fans - Distorting Real rating even before movie is seen by public to be accurately call a hit/miss. This is whay I do not trust ratings anymore because these obsessed fans cannot be trusted to leave unbiased ratings and reviews to them just a trailer is worth a 10/10. RT , IMDB , Crot* Critics of the past were more trustworthy with ratings and opinion. Pre social media reviews were honest and popularity etc was based on a great film being promoted by word of mouth i.e friends and family recommending to each other. A good film does not need PR, Falso* falsified ratings and disg* dishonest reviews from fans to prove itself worth the hype/awards.

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