What was the point of the season?

I learnt nothing new.

Everyone involved is so unlikeable.

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It’s not always about learning something new? If the story you know is told in an entertainingly fashion than it can be fun.

@boolalanga Firstly, not everyone is you. I learned a lot about this case as I tried my hardest to ignore it when it was in the news.

Secondly, it was really smart recasting a story about the most powerful man on Earth as the story of four women involved.

The point was the point that got the US four years of Trump: nobody cares about a man doing bad things, and that is more relevant now than ever.

@tesbreag Bill Clinton was far worse than Donald Trump if you consider their history of sexual harassment/assault. Only thing Bill did not get caught on tape saying grab'em but he was (is) a piece of shit.
