So far, I’m not digging the new season. It's just very weird, starting with the fact all family members survived attacks that should have killed them.

  • It seems like this episode nothing really happened other than Jimmy left. But I couldn't care less about him, he’s always been a useless character.

  • I'm getting so tired of Monica. Has there been a single episode in 4 seasons where she hasn’t just been sad and whiny? Her and Tate's PTSD would sure have impacted me more if I could have seen it develop on screen.

  • I don’t like the Carter storyline. Beth and Rip are supposed to be the adults in this situation but the two are so physically rough with the kid. It's very overdone and unnecessary. Also, Beth’s character is so poorly written and cringe. I feel like she has turned into the writer’s highlight reel for one-liners that aren’t quite as needed or clever as they think.

  • I really wish they would cut out the horse spinning, because it's boring and just take time from the actual show. There was never that much footage of the horses in previous seasons.

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