Shout by Ravennly

Still Alice 2014

One of the best performances of Julianne Moore. I believed she was Alice every second of the movie. I read the book when it first came out and I was astounded that a medical doctor had so much talent as Lisa Genova to write this story. Moore really brought out Alice's struggles with her disease straight out of the textbook to real life experiences. She gave people who suffer from this disease a voice, and I'm glad that she won that award, its most deserved.
The performance and the script was so profound that it really moves you. Yes the disease has no cure, yes the disease is neurological and yes the disease shouldn't define who we are after being diagnosed with it. As Moore rightly said, "the disease will not be bargained with". Its like taking a stair down towards the unknown one-step-at-a-time, though for some its fast and for some its a slow process.
Beautiful performance for a well written story.

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