Shout by DJ ELITE

Young Justice

Season 4

Whatever emo writers they have writing this show need therapy. Man, YJ has gotten CRAPPY. This... is how you permanently kill a show that has been resurrected.

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@djelite I've noticed this same crap with other DC shows too. Legends went way downhill. Super Girl was starting to turn woke before it ended and Bat Women is a disaster. Hell, the new Batman Re-write movie was crap.

@jbixby Agreed. I was raised to be open and very broad-minded not failing to mention I'm a "live and let live" kinda person. So with that said, SUPERGIRL turned the pedal to the metal on forced diversity. I felt bad for Chyler Leigh, a straight woman. The show turned her character into a lesbian. As it has been stated, you don't "turn" you're born that way. To make matters worse, they made her go full butch with the full-on haircut and all. I mean, come on. I will say this tho. I truly enjoyed Nicole Maines character. And I'm very glad the show created her rendition as an "ancestor of Nura Nal / Dream Girl" from 1964 DC Comics and didn't change an existing straight character. Granted the show was in the middle of the "woke" movement, however, I think they freaked out and lost control and went too woke too fast.

BATWOMAN had potential to some extent. Too bad Ruby Rose got tired of the suit, literally. That's the curse of the entire live-action Batmen. You have to give Adam West credit for doing 120 tv shows. However, you'd think the suit would've gotten more comfortable as time progressed, but the exact opposite happened. Anyhow, I believe the showrunners scrambled to keep the show momentum going after losing their biggest draw, which was Ruby. They knew they had an Everet-sized uphill battle. "We've lost steering control and brakes. Let's see how long we can keep going until... well you know." I never like ARROW. Simply put, it was supposed to be a BATMAN series. When CW lost the TV rights because Papa WB said so (movies), they probably said, "Hmmm, what other DC Comics billionaire playboy with no superpowers could we use?!" League of Assassins was not originally tied to Green Arrow in ANY way in the comic books. In fact, in the comic books, Oliver Queen is the complete opposite of Batman. E'S FUNNY AND HILARIOUS! All his friends call him "Ollie." Black Canary is supposed to be Catwoman, John Diggle is supposed to be Alfred - at least in the beginning, Speedy is supposed to be Robin, Overwatch is supposed to be Oracle (Who is Barbara Gordon after she's crippled and can no longer be a physically active Batgirl), etc., etc., etc. Anyhow, I'm you get my drift. I don't have enough "evens" to "can't" with this show.

LEGENDS OF TOMORROW was somewhat of a gem. They took 'less than B' characters that were not played out and made them shine like diamonds. Sadly, since the team didn't initially exist in the comics, the show had zero source material and eventually ran out of any type of DC COMICS coal to shovel into the CW engine to keep things going.

Now, CW saving Matt Ryan's CONSTANTINE from NBC cancellation was epic AF. I don't believe NBC gave the show a chance. Yes, the character development storyline was slow, but this ish happens when you're, well, introducing a character to a broader and Constantine-ignorant audience. Duh. Seriously though, it was progressing and getting better. Sadly NBC axed it. "NBC, where sci-fi shows go to die." Thankfully, CW brought Constantine into the Arrowverse fold however, eventually, the WB big wigs started tossing around the idea for a younger REBOOT version of the character and commanded CW to immediately cease and desist its use of the character. But hey, no one can say CW didn't have some love for Matt Ryan because they kept him on still. But to me, how they did it was cringe-worthy. Again, forced diversity in the middle of the woke event. The contrast between John Constantine vs Gwyn Davies was just too much. But meh, call me picky. I just think Matt Ryan is the best John Constantine evarrr and the truest rendition of the original DC Comics character to date.

THE FLASH. Thank goodness for Stephen Amell for completely co-signing the push for the series and for the undying support of Grant Gustin. Wow, it's 2022 and we're 8 years deep with this show. I've watched how they've dug deep into the DC Comics library and archives for storylines to shape and mold for CW like playdough. However, it seems like the people operating this train are getting tired of shoveling coal into this engine. I guess we'll see. I am excited and pleased that WB will return the CW favor by having Grant cameo in THE FLASH (2023) movie (payback for having Ezra appear in the TV show).

Outside of CW, I enjoy HBO MAX's DOOM PATROL more than I do TITANS. The casting is GREAT for both shows. TITANS is too slow though and not epic enough. PEACEMAKER is not bad at all. I mean, come on. It's WWE's, John Cena. Oh, and I never wasted my time on PENNYWORTH. I mean, Alfred is cool. But, seriously? Solo-series cool? Um, no. At this time, HBO MAX has several upcoming TV show series either in the chamber or ready to be loaded. There's a Green Lantern (Corps) series, an Untitled Arkham series and The Penguin series which are both set in continuity with The Batman (2022), DC Super Hero High, Dead Boy Detectives (they already appeared in the Doom Patrol series), DC's Strange Adventures (anthology series), an Untitled Val-Zod limited series (this is the rumored Black Superman from DC Comics' multiverse Earth 2) and an Untitled Aqualad series. HBO MAX is also going hard with DC Comics' "Justice League: Dark" team that deals with mystical and supernatural threats. Founding members in the comic book are Deadman, John Constantine, Madame X (Xanadu), Shade, the Changing Man, and Zatanna. I'm hoping that they somehow incorporate Detective Chimp, Doctor Fate, Ragman, or Etrigan eventually. There will be 3 series that will be interconnected to the JL Dark brand. There's an Untitled Justice League Dark series, a Justice League Dark: Constantine series (we'll miss you Matt Ryan!), and a Madame X series.

So in closing, because I can go on forever (guilty comic book geek). I think the "team" that created the Arrowverse needs to be put out to pasture. The only CW DC Comics left standing are THE FLASH, SUPERMAN & LOIS, and STARGIRL. And I can't say they are not getting or are stale either. Did you notice I didn't write anything about STARGIRL or SUPERMAN & LOIS, nor did I mention the canceled NAOMI? That was deliberate. I don't have time to complain about a 90210-type nighttime soap opera with emo teens. And there are 2 other CW series coming. There's "Gotham Knights," which centers on the Bat-Family members. It's CW, so I'm expecting it to be another 90210-type nighttime soap opera with emo teens. And also, "Justice U" which will be based in the Arrowverse.

P.S. IMHO, the BEST animated series was Cartoon Network's JUSTICE LEAGUE UNLIMITED (2004-2006), the sequel to JUSTICE LEAGUE (2001-2004). They dug deep into the DC COMICS roster and as a true comic-book geek, I truly appreciated it. Man, all the characters they used and how they were presented were very impressive by any standard.

If you read through all of this, you rock. Seriously. Thanks for being interested in my insight and opinions.
