Review by Aitor

Star Wars 1977

It is one of the most significant science-fiction works of all time and the most important space opera in the world. This film marked a before and after in the culture and history of cinema, as it was an important link in the creation of geek communities (not in a bad way) and cinematic universes. This, although it may seem pejorative, was an important step in history, because, just as in past centuries people of different cultures and ages created social bonds based on a common religion, this film triggered something similar. Many young people of that time, and even today, have created friendships based on a common geek passion. Not only that. This movie went beyond the cinematic world to splash into other niche markets such as video games, board games, clothing with slogans, etc., even household appliances, something that was not so usual back then.

However, despite being a timeless work that endures with splendor even in our times, this film was shot in 1977, at a time when special effects were still handcrafted and "primitive", a time when many illusions were made with models and not with CGI. These special effects may perhaps seem simple and somewhat obsolete if judged with digital presentism, but they were quite an audiovisual feat. In other words, it could be said that it is the result of the purest heritage of movie magic, a long journey that begins in Europe with the first films (which were also science fiction) of the early twentieth century.

Unfortunately, despite the respect I have for George Lucas, I think he has made a terrible mistake by using CGI. In case anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about, nowadays it's quite difficult to see the original movie, as it was released in theaters. All the ingenuity behind it has been mutilated and overwritten by digital generation of images that, although a priori it may seem to improve, for me it contributes absolutely nothing. It is a shame that one of the most important films in history has ended up as a palimpsest.

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