3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’:

  1. The best parts of the movie were, hands down, all the nostalgia… the reunions, the music, and the easter eggs. And I thought the tribute to Harold Ramis was beautiful — and incredibly impressive.

  2. I kinda hated the complete lack of any Ghostbusters 2 recognition.

  3. It was a cute movie, and I enjoyed it, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I’ve been scratching my head to decipher what exactly was lacking… but, honestly, I just think the story itself is simply forgettable. It started out with potential, but ultimately wasn’t strong enough for such a legacy. I can appreciate revisiting Gozer, but it felt like a miss to me. I think I would’ve preferred more of an original story than what felt like a rushed rehash.

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@tvwatcha3 I was preying for Vigo after credit scene


OPReply by Corey

@defestated That would have been INCREDIBLE.

@tvwatcha3 you perfectly captured was feeling watching this movie
