Still amazed that Discovery, which to the new federation and occupants of the future galaxy are the equivalent in our time of someone appearing from the dark ages 1091 AD, have so much to contribute and people take them seriously. They’re from the historical equivalent of before Columbus “discovered” America ffs! The anomalies should be a no brainer for people 930 years in the future to figure out without anyone having to risk their lives for data. Can we have more technobabble awesome technology amazingness and less lovey dovey hand holding feeling sharing, tippy toeing, everyone is so soft and always tearing up it’s unbelievable. Also, I reckon the anomaly is sentient and they’re all going to forgive it because it didn’t know what it was doing, it’s probably a baby, and sing kumbaya. Oh and that Ni’Var woman is probably in on it somehow, She’s probably a Romulan, they’re always mucking about with singularities.

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@jarvis-11297644 To be fair, human civilization didn't advance that much between 10 AD and 940 AD - technologically it actually decreased in some areas (mainly where the roman empire was in 10 AD).

Most technological advances happened in the last 300 years and many of those weren't actually new discoveries but studies of text that survived the dark age.
I wouldn't expect the pace of advancement to hold for another thousand years.

And the advances that do happen are often in areas that aren't expected (Just take a look at science fiction from the 1930ies and what they predicted :) )
