Review by tropolite

Lost in Space

Season 3

I really found this hard to finish watching.
This will be a roundup of what I thought of the whole series. I'll probably slip into more general overview of this season at the end.
Personally I really liked how this series began. It had good SFX good visuals, the cast was good even though 'Judy' was the typical 'inclusion' addition to the family but I guess they couldn't cast 'Dr Smith' as a woman and black and the antagonist because that may have been seen as 'typecasting'. But yep let's overlook this mainstream need to force diversity even though it's plain as day that it IS forced. I know I'm sick of seeing this nonsense in most of what we call entertainment lately.

The first season was enjoyable. The second, tolerable. The third ....

Then we had the late entry to the gig, 'Don'. The token comedic fill-in, with the chicken. I can't really remember when Don arrived on the scene whether it was the end of S1 or beginning of S2, but that's when I thought, uh-oh.

So I realize I'm writing this as a Season 3 thoughts/review. Here is goes.
What a mess. Season 3 quickly turns into a soap opera in space and not a good one making every opportunity to push down and raise up the usual suspects and how 'woke' has managed to make everything seem to look like the bucket contents of a heavy night of partying. I don't want to add spoilers but it was really predicable and after the delays because of the global push to get everyone on drugs it was clear in some parts that they just copied from other recent SciFi to fill in more gaping holes in a very superficial season just to wind it up and put the show in the box. That's really how it felt.

From chicken chasing to sitting on a chair and quickly getting in a box, plus all the contrived, forced, heaping on of all the usual things we've seen lately even down to a specific flag making a feature cameo just to keep that audience satiated. It's become so 'standard' and formulaic as 'woke' is the template base for most new shows, now let's see how we can cram a beloved storyline from the past into it.
It got worse as the show approached the end of the season and series. I'm actually surprised they didn't do what I thought they would stuff in there next when Penny was exploring. I'll just leave that here.

I hope that I'm the only one who feels this way about such a promising show turning into this!
If you get to read this, I hope I'm wrong and more importantly you get to finish the season on an uptick rather than the disappointment I had. All I can say it looking forward to the return of the Expanse.

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@tropolite, I am not "one". S1 was the best, but that applies in almost all cases.
