Quite a weird shift from TASM1, it’s a lot cartoonier and less gritty, but it doesn’t feel a lot like the Raimi trilogy either.
Its biggest problem is the lack of a narrative focus, it’s a bunch of subplots meshed together, some of which are desperately trying to set up future stories, and it doesn’t really work.
A lot of the dialogue sucks, the villains are just plain bad and poorly acted, and it’s a little too dumb, especially when it comes to character motivations and conveniences (even given how cartoony it is).
But, the central 2 characters and their chemistry work, the directing and cinematography are good, the action is well handled for the most part (besides that power plant scene, which looks like a cartoon) and it does have some great emotional beats that you don’t always get in blockbuster films.
There’s a scene between Sally Field and Andrew Garfield in this which features some actual great acting that you’re not likely to get in an MCU or DC film.
So it’s a film with some highlights and some great scenes, but it never was going to be a good film given its script.
But I will say that this whole narrative of it being even worse than Spider-man 3 is nonsense, simply because the acting alone is much better here, and the action isn’t a visual mess.


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