The story itself is eerie and has this constant unsettling atmosphere. That said... it drags on. Suspense is alright but this was about an hour too long. The seemingly endless dialogue in the car scenes would be great to fall asleep to. Still, it was a good story. As soon as we saw the photograph on the wall I knew this was all playing out in Jake's head. That the focus should be on him and less on her. From that point on it was waiting for the conclusion for me... which was just... meh. You know. The story told via dance was a creative, beautiful choice but the overall ending felt a bit empty. Maybe that's the point since Jake's life seemed empty too.
I wish I'd read the book first. There where a lot of parts in the movie that I could imagine feel differently through pages instead of on a screen.
I also can't quite take Jesse Plemons seriously anymore ever since I read somewhere that someone called him 'budget Matt Damon' but that's just a me-thing. So to sum it up; good but certainly not the best.

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