Review by cutecruel

This season has gotten worse and worse. What is the main plot exactly? Because it’s episode 6 and it seems like all episodes feel meandering, pointless, and aimless. The writing is disjointed and nothing is really happening.
Episode 6 is comically bad:

  • No offense meant here, but I don’t watch Yellowstone for a Jimmy spin off. Will he ever become a cowboy? Because the guy has been ranching for 3 seasons now and still looks like the new guy. I get on my phone during his scenes because it’s just scenic background music with Jimmy looking dumb.

  • Unpopular take: Beth Dutton gets less and less interesting every episode. Basically everything she says and does now is eyeroll inducing and ridiculous. Her ‘badass-ness’ is tiresome and predictable. Just the writers feeling 'what mean girl line can we come up with this time'. It feels redundant. Her lines to Summer Higgins were a new level of cringe-worthy for this series, wishing any type of cancer on anyone is a bridge too far. And I’m really over her and Jaime. Their scenes basically are: Jamie: “You’re going to destroy me” Beth: _“I’m going to destroy you”. This storyline needs to be resolve immediately.

  • Summer Higgins is the most stereotypical 'annoying animal activist, vegan girl' ever. It’s just lazy writing because this could have been an interesting and nuanced interaction between these characters who are completely different, but instead her character was built upon a foundation of clichés. And I know they were trying to make her requests seem absurd, but all they did was make John Dutton's chef look dumb. Yes, you can be a cowboy’s chef and still know what gluten is. Any cook who uses flour knows what gluten is.

  • Will ‘Boy’ ever shower, wash his hair? Because every week I'm like ‘he's still in the same clothes?’ And it seems like Beth completely forgot about him.

  • Every time I think Jamie is going to do something right, he chokes. He is so weak, it's cringe.

  • Kill off Monica. Let Kayce be a tragic sexy widower. I give Monica two episodes before she hates their new house, too.

  • Lloyd vs Walker - Had to fast-forward through that fight. I don’t know why they needed to waste so much screen time on it, so unnecessary. Not to mention how it was possible for Walker to fight like he is Mike Tyson after getting stabbed in the left shoulder the previous night.

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@cutecruel haha you nailed it!! I agree with every points.
What a waste of a season. With a cast like this, the budget, the landscapes.... We know the characters already, just do something with them in this season now please.
