Science Saru returns for the final short in the collection, and it's a doozy. Akakiri is another one focused almost entirely on atmosphere, and like the other ones it's baked with mythology and grand ideas. I like this one a lot for two reasons - the first being that it's clearly set during the days of the Old Republic during the Great Sith Wars, which allows for a more unique setting then the rest of the shorts. And the second being is it's art style, which Saru uses to perfection here. It's probably the most different looking of the shorts but it's got it's own strange beauty to it, being more like something out of Devilman Crybaby in terms of aesthetic which is absolutely my kind of art style.

This is a story about a man falling to darkness, and what causes said man to turn to said darkness. Is it fate? Destiny? Or is it simply one's own internal struggles and pain that force them to make the wrong choice. The ending of this is really powerful and culminates in such a way where you really don't see it coming until it's right in front of you - the final shot is haunting in a way that the rest of the shorts just aren't. Loved, loved this one.

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