Review by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-12-19T23:19:37Z— updated 2021-12-24T23:27:50Z

It still feels like it's going a little bit slow with only four episodes left but it was great nonetheless.

The best thing was of course Bobbie rejoining the crew of the Roccinante :) I was hoping that this would eventually happen but I thought it would take at least one more episode for Bobbie to get to them. Glad I was wrong. With Bobbie and her Martian armor suit this brought quite some interesting action (even if her jump to the other ship felt like a huge stretch... :D). Anyway, some great/fun dialogues between the crew members as well. I also really liked the conversation between Avasarala and Monica at the end. Avasarala knows how to get things done :D

PS: Holden calling Clarissa Peaches was awkward. And her becoming part of the crew was a little bit unexpected but she did a really good jobs so far - it's just that her past actions are hard to forgive.

And I wonder if/how those stories with Cara at the beginning will become relevant. IMO they have a lot of potential but it feels like there's too little time. I also wonder how much they know about this planet. That little girl doesn't seem to be afraid of the animals at all... And this rockhopper(?) isn't small. And I wonder if he's really eating the bird (which seems the most likely) of if there's more to it.

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