Shout by Corey

Jurassic Park 1993

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Jurassic Park’:

  1. Thank you, Steven Spielberg, for creating my favorite movie of all time. THIS is your masterpiece. I first saw this in the movie theater with my little league team, and it transcended any cinematic experience I had ever had. It raised the bar. And very few experiences have ever come close to it ever again.

  2. Thank you, John Williams, for creating one of the greatest scores of all time. Majestic, epic, beautiful, hopeful, and inspiring. This story could not properly be told without it.

  3. There are too many thoughts to share for something so iconic. This was a lightning-in-a-bottle film. Just perfection. The cast, the pacing, the realism for something so fantastical. Pure magic. And :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:nothing:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: — no sequel to ever come forth since — will ever meet its greatness.

Bonus Thought: Thank you, Michael Crichton.

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