:tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why:tired_face::tired_face::tired_face:
I refuse to believe this was directed by the first matrix director
this poor excuse for a movie is just ahh..... I mean why it was an iconic movie
why ruin it like this why?? the director had another motive in the movie
this was not for the sequel to continue she just got up and said I want to say
something I will say it in the movie WHAT??

I grew up watching the matrix I loved it I still love it now but this is deliberately
done to ruin the image of the franchise this kind of act is just infuriating.
this goes to show you that making movies these days is just cheap, simple, and fast

I would be happier if it was another story in the matrix franchise
but this is a NO-NO for me!

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I refuse to believe this was directed by the first matrix director

the american empire is falling. minds have been corrupted. americans are now fat, lazy, angry, and entitled

@unambi Well what can you do all the great empire has fallen
America's fall was inevitable the new rising empire is China and it's coming hard.

why ruin it like this why?? the director had another motive in the movie

@mt_halo My conspiracy theory is that Lana made the movie like that on purpose, to poison the well for WB so they can't make any more Matrixes without the Wachowskis, and they can't keep wringing money out of the Matrix franchise.

@nitemice That actually makes sense
i never thought about it from that angle.
