what an awful movie

90% of the film is him walking and dealing with useless and meaningless shit

it's like if you buy a game and only do side quests (not the fun ones!)

speaking of games, this film is the equivalent of Death Stranding, just walking and no action

I only gave it 3/10 because I liked the visuals other than that this movie lacks in everything
awful story, no character development and most importantly no clear vision
they just wanted to do a film and seem smart about it

huge fail

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So basically watching an NPC in a game.

@nasserfeed Your comment convinced me that this is an amazing movie.

@nasserfeed Netflix has a dumb action movie with a big star every month. That seems more up your alley.

@nasserfeed meaningless? Did you switch your brain on and try to tease apart the metaphors?

No character development? Lol did we watch the same movie?
