I'm really enjoying how this plot is unfolding and expnading so far. Its now looking like Bosse and Kage's story will combine with King Bosse and Daida's story. Also poor Bojji, bro was fucked before he was even born, with his father making a deal with the devil so that he'll become the strongest in the world by taking the power Bojji has, leaving Bojji this tiny, deaf and dumb son to the parents of giants. Altleast afterwards though, Bosse focused on making life easy for his son, with him establishing a kingdom after completing this mission of gaining strength. Now it looks like Bosse is back again after death, with him taking over Daida's body when Daida was forcefully fed that elixir. But it looks like Daida isn't dead, just dormant in his body, stuck in that black abyss space he dreamt about, so I gotta assume he will come body in control over his body once again, theres no way this is the end to Daida and Bojji's relationship. Also damn, Bosse really approved the assasination of Queen Hiling, hasn't Lady Mirange already accomplished her goal with ressurecting Bosse, what is she planning to do next and how would Queen Hiling be in the way? Is it because of how she would react after learning what has happened to Daida? Also damn, so Bojji really leveled up when training under Despa, mastering this Despa arts, and now he;s the strongest one there is, I cant wait to see Bojji's new strength. And man, my guy Bebin was lucky that he helped the scarred 2-headed snake out, the snake really saved him from dying out after Bebin's failed assasination of Apeas, after lezarning about Bebin's watchful eyes from Lady Mirange, and how his ability was preventing her from executing her plans, I can't wait to see how Bebin's prescence is going to affect her now as she's currently and successfully going on with her mission, especially if Bebin learns that Daida, the man he's so loyal to, is kinda dead now. Also I was so worried for my guy Hokuro this episode, Hokuro really is the man. He always remained loyal to his beleifs with such conviction, and now that Domas spared his life, he's going back to the kingdom which will almost certainly lead to his execution, to report what happened to Bojji and give him comfort in death, man Hokru really is a sweet person. Also man Doomas really was a coward, he would just blindly follow mission orders that went against what he thought was right, and was just planning on fleeing away afterwards instead of facing the consequences of his choices. But in the end, Domas followed what his heart was telling him, and went back to save Hokuro from his execution, I guess he isnt as much of a coward as I thought, and now is actually going of his way to help people he cares about. I'm glad Hokuro, Domas, Hiling, and the rest learned from now King Bosse, that Bojji is still alive in the Underworld, now Domas isnt completelty detached from his innonce because Bojji isn't dead, he still has a chnace at redemption, and after Bosse gave Domas the order to destroy the under-castle entrance to the Underworld, looks liek Domas, and apparantly Hokuro too,, have another adventure to go on together. I'm really enjoying how much more expansive this world is becoming as the two stories come closer and closer to meeting eachother.

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