Shout by Rishabh

Minnal Murali 2021

The Creators did a pretty good job with developing the Main Character & the Villain and making us feel for both of them. Also, pretty good stuff with balancing the drama & the comedy. There are enough action sequences to get you excited & cheer and it's quite strong. With the budget that they had, they did brilliant with being creative with what they can do in terms of showing you the powers & strength of the Hero & the Villain in this story and the development of those strengths.

The Story was quite strong too. No pretentious alien invasions or biggest explosions or anything. The story felt more real. Like how would a commoner from a small town/village would behave when they get superpowers.

Actors did fantastic job. Be it the lead or the supporting characters.

The whole movie is just beautiful to watch.

Hats of the whole team behind this Movie.

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