3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Matrix Resurrections’:

  1. Nostalgia wins. It was awesome to see Moss and Reeves together again! The clear highlight of the film. I’ve always appreciated the love story of Neo and Trinity — and that final scene of them soaring together was a picture-perfect ending... especially if this is the true conclusion to their story. However, I wish the road to this scene was a bit different.

  2. I’m officially accepting the fact that no Matrix sequel will ever not be convoluted and confusing. However, where Reloaded left me feeling like I just wasn’t intelligent enough to understand, Resurrections made me feel like I didn’t understand because it simply didn’t make sense at times. For example… the point/purpose/existence of the new Smith (sorry, but I just couldn’t accept Groff in this role) wasn’t fleshed out enough. I just didn’t get it. And how could Neo and Trinity suddenly have total control of The Matrix in the end? Did I miss something?!

  3. I feel like Neo’s presence and power were somewhat muted in this installment. I love how Trinity stepped into the spotlight with new potential of her own and that their love is ultimately the source of their strength… but that kinda changes the original trilogy’s mythology and its concept of “The One”… and I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Bonus Thought: Morpheus should always and only be Laurence Fishburne. However, Jessica Henwick was a fantastic addition! Would love to see her character again.

Extra Bonus Thought: I loved seeing the Sense8 reunion! I miss them so much!!

Last Bonus Thought: The post-credit scene was ridiculous and left a bad taste in my mouth.

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