The most accurate Resident Evil yet and no one likes it. It seems they prefer the crappy, shallow action flicks with Milla Jovovich over a genuine Resident Evil recreation.

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@mehteh I came here to the say the same thing after just watching it! It was actually a damn good adaptaton and what Resident Evil is supposed to be.

@mehteh Much more better than Resident Evil 3+ from Anderson, but sadly worse than original film from 2002. I gave 7/10 because i am Resident Evil fan, beautiful Kaya and Hannah, badass quotes, flying cows :D

@mehteh yeah with the only difference that it is not a videogame here it is a movie and it sucked! no one cares about the recreation otherwise we would stick to the game

@great_vc That's not a great argument though. Adaptations of video games are extremely hard to make and rarely successful because a multitude of reasons. Most of the times they either take too many liberties or too little, often times the story isn't very compelling to begin with, characters might be as shallow as they are in the video game.

On the surface this is one is a decent, yet crunched, adaptation of RE1 and 2, all things considered. It suffers from low-budget issues like low quality CGI, although the practical effects are pretty good. Most of the characters are superficial, just like in the video game, Claire is probably the only exception. Then there's the timing; this would have been better received 15 or so years ago before the genre was saturated with zombie-themed films too. Hell, even the first movie was crap by today's standards if you watch it back. For fans of the 2 original games, this will probably be well received, bearing in mind all of the above and without that unreasonable level of expectation.
