Review by moonkodi

Don't Look Up 2021

The satire is hit and miss, and the hits are not really saying anything profound. Who knew social media is trash? Thanks. The first half was adequate in some ways but also unfunny. In fact I didn't didn't laugh once at the whole movie.

Second half looked better until the political commentary. It was very obvious who the bad guys would be. Yes it's the gun and money loving deniers who wear hats. Enter Perlman's character who's ''out of touch'' and says bad things. That's the level of comedy in this. Add Jonah doing his usual pathetic character and Lawrence with a snarky edgy woman. The good? Dicaprio. And considering the different elements of the movie (disaster and comedy) the tone worked.

It wasn't reasoned at all. Near the end of the movie why don't certain characters spend their time elsewhere instead of having dinner with non family? Do they have nobody else? Is Peter Isherwell's character based on Jordan Peterson? Where were the UN (isn't this a global crisis?) The days of USA saving the world in movies needs to end...

The irony is that it attacks sheep yet is for another set of sheep. It also adds to the modern era of useless social media political fighting, as people take sides. I'd like a satire to rise above this.

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