Review by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-01-04T15:56:48Z— updated 2022-03-11T11:27:09Z

That's how democracy in the future works? You assemble the most senior and experienced representatives of entire worlds and basically nobody except an impartial speaker, a captain from the past, a trader with no official affiliation and an obviously mad scientist (gosh! Cleveland, report him don't collaborate! He has personal motives! That's not exactly scientific decision making!) are allowed to speak (the captain chose to whisper/breathe once again) Can anyone just beam in and speak as they wish?

The AI situation is classical Star Trek. It's not unlike the trial of Data back in TNG. Only that the "investigators" like to talk w/o ever getting close to the philosophical core of this question. But they always look very concerned and sad. Basically they ask the suspect aka Zora "will you harm us?" and it responds: "I can assure you I'm on your side because I recorded subconsciously some videos of you once in a while". That's it, basically, right? [I know that's not the main point, but I must admit, these AI dreams are scary. Can the computer see, sense and video record everything what happens aboard? That's creepy AF. Everything? And seniors officers can access this data when they ask nicely?]

This episode is again mediocre. It's really like last episode. Nothing much happens - which is a good thing since the constant explosions and hasty space travel from one inconsequential plot element to another had already ruined this season (and seasons before).

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