Review by FLY


Season 1

A huge waste of a big potential.

The visual style is really great. The setting and the character too. The whole folklore and its creatures make for a good change from what we are used to. The episodes individual stories are interesting. And the intertwined flashbacks for another intrigue in the past are a good construction.

But when it comes to the underlying main story of the season, the storytelling is an ABSOLUTE fail. This is incredibly bad. First episodes only give a hint that something is going on (well, not really subtle either, at the end of each someone will tell that a storm is coming, that's it), but nothing expands on it. Then nothing more.

Everything that could have been slowly discovered, or shown in flashbacks, the whole explanation of what happened and how it links to the past story is just narrated by the villains. There is never any hint, no clue, nothing she discovers doing her job, no extra characters or sub plot bringing information along the way, never, nothing. This could have been done over a few more episodes, or at the very least, giving a little something in the few episodes there are, but no.

It's really all just narrated, not explained, not subtly shown, no, literally narrated by the villains that just stop during the fight to explain what happened. Not even in the common trope way where villains like to brag about their plans, nope. Just reading the plot like bullet points.

And not once, but twice. First in episode 5 with a small break. Already not great. But episode 6 is basically a little fighting around the main villain taking 20 minutes of in the middle of the fight to explain everything that happened. During the season, but also in the past, making a little history course and shocking revelations about her father and the link with the flashbacks. Stuff that by the way about everyone should have been aware of, except her, yet nobody ever told her, or make the connection or acted as if they knew. Stuff that could have been interested subplots and developments if they were used in the story. But not as fucking bullet points.

Still worth a watch as it's pretty short, and the individual episodes are pretty good. But wow, what a waste... Could have easily been a 8 without that.

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