Shout by Corey

The Purge 2013

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Purge’:

  1. I really like this film because it’s such an intriguing and horrifying concept. It’s a quick watch, but it’s super original. It birthed a whole franchise (albeit somewhat underwhelming) and eerie visuals that inspired a slew of Halloween masks I now see every single year.

  2. There were missed opportunities here. And that’s always frustrating when an idea is so great. During this rewatch, I realized that much of this movie is spent walking through a dark house with a flashlight. With such a short runtime, we should’ve spent more moments getting to know these characters, especially the über-creepy leader dude who died way too quickly/easily. Very anticlimactic.

  3. I could watch that scene where Lena Headey bashes her neighbor’s head into the table a hundred times lol. Immensely satisfying.

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