I am usually very sensitive to pretentiousness and easily turned off by it in art, but because this was a travel film for me from the get go, my mind just forgot the fact this was a documentary about a famous person.

What I mean is that, after finishing it, what has stayed has been the images of all these different places in the world I hope I also get to film one day, and the quote by Fellini about how if you have curiosity you will never be bored. Aznavour’s life is almost secondary to the people he films in his travels, and the sequences about his wives and career become highly uninteresting compared to his recounts of Paris, his parent’s journey to France, his first trip to the United States and his beautiful images of the Magreb, Hong Kong and Macau, Japan, and others.

My experience watching this was of a fascinated travel lover much like Aznavour himself, and the deep wish to get out there and see the world too. Thankfully, when your bank account doesn’t agree, at least there’s cinema.

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